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Home » ЕГЭ » ЕГЭ Аудирование Задание 2

ЕГЭ Аудирование Задание 2


Задание 2.

Вы услышите диалог. Задача -установить, какие утверждения соответствуют услышанному (1), не соответствуют (2) и о чем в записи не сказано (3)
A. Lucy wasn’t at school for several days.
B. Lucy felt bad because of overeating.
C. Lucy’s mother is a doctor.
D. Peter did exercises with the map of the UK.
E. Peter is not afraid of the test.
F. Peter offers his notes to Lucy.
G. Lucy and Peter are going to review for the test later.

Говорящий A B C D E F G
Peter: Hi, Lucy! You weren’t at school today. What’s the matter? I was worried about you.Lucy: Hi, Peter! It’s nothing serious, actually. I just felt a bit sick in the morning, so my mom let me stay at home.

Peter: You poor thing! And are you feeling better now?

Lucy: Yeah, much better, thank you. I guess it must have been the pizza that I ate yesterday. That was the reason for my bad stomach. I had too much. But now, yes, I feel all right. I think I won’t miss any more lessons this week.

Peter: But you haven’t been to the doctor’s office, have you? Won’t you have problems at school because you missed classes? When I was ill last month, I brought a medical certificate to school.

Lucy: Well, my mom called our class teacher, so I don’t think there will be any problems. Besides we don’t have many lessons on Wednesdays. How was Geography, by the way? Did you take a test?

Peter: Oh, no, we didn’t, but we revised the material for the test. The teacher asked several people to do exercises with the map of the UK at the blackboard, and then we had a sort of contest in groups where we had to find different mountains, rivers and lakes – the quicker, the better, that was fun. And we also checked our homework and asked the teacher questions if we weren’t sure about the answer. You know, I feel well-prepared for tomorrow’s test now.

Lucy: Wait a second! Are we going to take the test tomorrow? I can’t believe it!

Peter: Yes, our teacher said that we are starting a new topic next week, so we have to finish this one tomorrow. Do you need any help with geography?

Lucy:Uh, if you can lend me your exercise-book with notes and checked homework, that would save me hours.

Peter: I’m afraid I can’t give you my exercise-book right now because I have to revise the material for the test myself. But if you call me in two hours, we could probably study for the test together.

Lucy: Sounds like a great idea. And thanks so much for offering to help. It’s so nice to have a friend like you.

Peter: No problem. See you later then. Bye for now.

Lucy: Bye, Peter.

В этом задании самый сложный момент – понять, какое утверждение не соответствует действительности, а о чем в записи не сказано. Зачастую грань между этими моментами размыта. Хороший пример — утверждение D. Peter did exercises with the map of the UK. Как видно из текста аудиозаписи, Peter упомянул, что учащиеся делали упражнения по карте, но не сказал, что он тоже делал. Таким образом, в тексте нет запрашиваемой информации. Теперь рассмотрим утверждение A. Lucy wasn’t at school for several days. В записи указано Lucy wasn’t at school today. Утверждение частично не соответствует тексту – неверна лишь одна деталь – several days – today. В случае с пунктом D The teacher asked several people to do exercises with the map of the UK, мы не знаем, был ли Peter в их числе. Таким образом, информация не является ложной, а отсутствует в тексте записи.
При подготовке к выполнению задания нужно учить студентов различать полное отсутствие информации и частичное несоответствие информации, привлекая их внимание к деталям текста.