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ЕГЭ Аудирование Задание 3


Задание 3.

Вы услышите интервью. Задача — ответить на 7 вопросов, выбрав один из 3-х предложенных ответов
3.Greg believes that his present professional success depends on…
1)rich experience.
2)putting pressure on himself
3)his happy family life

4.Speaking about his past Greg say that he..
1)never experienced a failure.
2)was too busy achieving his goals.
3)was a good family man.

5.What is said about Dina’s relations with Greg’s children from his previous marriage?
1)she tries to avoid meeting them
2)she doesn’t know anything about them
3)she is friendly with them

6.Describing his relations with his little daughter, Greg stresses that…
1)she is brighter and more spiritual than his other children
2)he now has the opportunity to give her enough attention and care
3)it is quite difficult to raise a child at his age

7.In his youth, Greg had a dream to…
1)act in westerns
2)serve in the army
3)play jazz

8.What does Greg say about his age?
1)It has no influence on his career.
2)It has affected his strength and energy.
3)It makes him think about stopping work.

9.Which of the following may refer to one of the most important lesson of Greg’s life?
1)Anger helps to achieve a lot in life
2)Life cannot be always perfect
3)Plan your life and follow your ambitions.


Presenter: Hello everybody and welcome to our program “ 5 minutes with a star”! Today we have a well-known actor Greg Jones. Hello, Greg, so nice to see you today, thanks for coming.
Speaker: Hi, everybody! It’s my pleasure being here with all of you today.
Presenter: So, your acting career is on another high at the moment – to what do you attribute this?
Speaker: I think having a happy home really helps. It took me a long time to achieve that. I used to put a lot of pressure on myself to accomplish things…make money, gain experience..And I wasn’t a proper father and husband when I was younger. I leant a lot from failures in the past. Now, with my wife Dina, I’ve been able to realize what really matters and devote myself to her and to raising our daughter Marylen.
Presenter: I see. And do you keep in close touch with your older children?
Speaker: Yes. Actually, Dina is the person who brings everyone together. She doesn’t have any resentment about my previous marriage. She got acquainted with my first wife and it’s been really wonderful for me to see her be very open and want everyone to feel appreciated.
Presenter: It is tough to raise a young daughter in your sixties?
Speaker: Absolutely not! I have more time, I understand more about being a father, and watching her grow up has been the greatest pleasures of my life. She’s an amazing girl – very bright, very spirited. It’s the first time that I’ve really been able to be the kind of father that I wanted to be, but because of my career ambitions, I never allowed myself the chance to spend that kind of time with my older children.
Presenter: Speaking about your career, what was your first big ambition?
Speaker: Well, when I was younger I wanted to become a jazz musician, which got somehow sidetracked when I was drafted into the army. After that it took a long time for me to get any good acting role until I started doing Westerns. It took many years, even after I became quite famous, for me to understand what I really wanted to do.
Presenter: That’s interesting. And do you have any thoughts of retiring?
Speaker: Age is just a state of mind and I’m lucky as retirement isn’t forced on actors and directors. I’d planned on not working after I was 39. But here I am at 69 and enjoying working more than have ever done. I think I shall go on while I have all that strength and energy.
Presenter: Do you feel you’ve learnt any lessons about life that you’d like to share with us ?
Speaker: Life rarely goes the way you plan it. There are good things and bad things that happen to you all the time and you have to be able to admit that, deal with it and move on. When I was younger I was angry at the world, always full of ambitions, but now finally I’ve been able to relax.
Presenter: Okay. And my final question. What do you see as your biggest accomplishment?
Speaker: Well…My life now is exactly how I hoped it could be 20 years ago. Lots of things are important — my four children, professional success…But I’d say finding a good partner in life is true happiness for me.

В этом задании необходимо полностью понимать текст, чтобы выбрать единственно правильный ответ. В ответ на каждый вопрос в тексте прозвучат все слова из предложенных вариантов, но верным может быть только один ответ.
Проанализируем первый вопрос.
Greg believes that his present professional success depends on :
1)rich experience 2) putting a lot of pressure on himself 3) his happy family life
Как видно из текста записи, Greg упоминает и putting pressure on himself, и experience, и happy home. Но ответ на вопрос мы можем увидеть в первом же предложении. I think having a happy home. Все остальное упоминается при описании дороги к успеху.
Рассмотрим второй вопрос: Speaking about his past, Greg says that he..
1)never experienced a failure
2)was too busy achieving his goal
3) was a good family man

В ответе на вопрос мы видим, что многие слова из вариантов ответа использованы, но верный ответ только один. Oтвет 1 не подходит, так как he learnt a lot from his failures, что означает, что они были.
ответ 3 не подходит, так как он говорит: I wasn’t a proper father and husband. Proper=good enough.
Остается ответ 2. Напрямую не говорится о том, что Грег был слишком занят достижением целей, но на это есть косвенный намек во фразе I’ve been able to realize what really matters. Говорящий имеет в виду, что раньше у него были другие приоритеты, не семья, то есть идет ссылка на карьеру и на информацию предыдущей части It took me long enough to achieve that.
Здесь проверяется понимание всего фрагмента, а не отдельных слов. При подготовке студентов к этому заданию важно учить их выбирать предложения, являющиеся ответом на вопрос и отсекать ответы, которые точно не подходят. Исключение неподходящих ответов – важный навык, так как иногда учащийся может расслышать не всю необходимую информацию, и вынужден использовать лишь часть информации. Чаще всего, то, что не имеет значения для точного ответа, звучит четче, подлавливая учащихся.